Da ja heute schon wieder so ein Schmuddelwetter ist, bin ich doch gleich doppelt froh, dass meine Leute gestern wieder zu meiner Lieblingswiese zum Toben gefahren sind. Hier sind ein paar Fotos von gestern Abend:
Since today the weather is bad again I am even more happy that my people had been with me to my fave meadow yesterday evening so that I could run around there. Here are some pix from yesterday:
vor 14 Jahren
Hallo Steffi!Wenn man die Fotos sieht,kann man die Ähnlichkeit nicht verleugnen!Einfach verblüffend!Einen ganz dicken Knuddeler an Bayo!Viele Grüsse von den Sarstedtern mit Papa Camelot
AntwortenLöschenHallo Ilona! Ganz liebe Grüße zurück an Euch und Camelot! Camelot ist aber auch wirklich ein wunderschöner und wir sind stolz auf den Papa! Alles Liebe, Steffi mit Familie und Bayo=)
AntwortenLöschenHello from your friend in Los Angeles, Calif, U.S.A. Mr. Bayo! You sure are growing up fast, and getting to be a more beautiful dog everyday. God blessed you with a very fine family & I know you love them as much as they love you too. You behave yourself & be careful. Watch out for any stray, mean & wild hogs that may come your way. They're not your friends. Take care, stay safe & may God continue to bless you & yours, Nello <*}}}><
AntwortenLöschenHello my dear friend! Thank you very much for your compliments. I try my best to be a very good behaving dog. My people shower me with love, even when they teach me, and I shower them with love in return. I know, my two leggers keep you pretty much updated on all I am doing. Can you imagine, that it is now already 10 months ago that they called, and told you I was born? And I guess when they first showed you the pix of me as a new born puppy, you had a hard time picturing me as the big dog I am now;). Please give my best to Kaila and Buster. I've been told they are extremely good dogs, too. Anyways, God bless you and yours, too! Lots of love, Bayo
AntwortenLöschenP.S. my family says "hi", too;)